Omni Testing Grounds


Order Importer


  • Customer and Order Validation
  • Easy Sheet Import with Products and Prices
  • Custom User Validation Rules
  • Auto Send Invoice
  • And More

SKU Generator


  • Generate SKUs based on business rules
  • Bulk SKU Updates
  • Supports Variants
  • SKU Validation Rules
  • And More

Headless: URL Replacer


  • Mutate content URLs based on Data Attributes
  • Category ID Data Attribute
  • Product ID Data Attribute
  • Works with Redirection Plugin
  • And More

RX & Order Bridge


  • Process optical prescriptions
  • Optical prescription rules and validations
  • Smart batch processing
  • Realt Time Status Updates
  • And More

ORder MArgin Reporting


  • Unique Admin Dashboard
  • Real Time Per Order Margin Analysis
  • And More

Application Optimization Services


  • REDIS Integration
  • Smart Dynamic Cache Blocks
  • Data Audit: Cleaning and Indexing
  • Module Data Audit
  • Query Optimization
  • Module Terminator Services

QR COde generator


  • Fault Tolerant QR URLs
  • Data Metric Reporting
  • QR Codes for Variants
  • QR Code Customization to match your brand
  • And More

Fill out the form below and let us know how we can help bring your ideas to life or solve a challenging problem. We look forward to collaborating with you!

Free Estimate with no obligation to higher, 100% risk free. Our pricing guidelines of $90–$125 USD per hour. Every project is unique so our estimates are calculate on the scope of work (approx. # of hours), complexity and urgency of a project.